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Zoo Entertainment Europe opens its doors to Developers

2009-08-06  Spielemagazin  8 Likes  0 Kommentare 
Zoo Entertainment Europe Limited would like to talk to developers with projects near completion and are keen to view design pitches for future projects from developers looking for European or worldwide publishing deals. Zoo Entertainment Europe's parent company Zoo Games, Inc., based in North America, already supplies a rich variety of games that will be published by the European arm. In addition to this, Zoo Entertainment Europe is looking to develop and publish a catalogue of quality titles that appeal to both the European and the broader global markets.

Richard Underhill, Development Manager, said; At present our output is mainly Nintendo based. However, we recognise that Sony and Microsoft platforms, both retail and digital download, offer us new opportunities and we're actively seeking products in those areas too. We are keen to hear from any developers that have interesting projects that they would like to discuss with us. In addition, we are constantly seeking out new partnerships for future co-operation in order to strengthen our output. Even if you have nothing specific in mind we may have some concepts that you might be interested in taking forward, so get in touch. We're not just opening opportunities to established developers either! Through our indie games portal at www.2beegames.com, we offer smaller developers or even individuals a unique chance to reveal their hard work to an already large and rapidly growing community. 2BeeGames is currently taking submissions for the 2nd Indie Game Competition, where the best games from independent developers, as chosen by the 2Bee Community, not only win cash prizes but can also negotiate a publishing contract with Zoo Games.


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