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Nachgefragt... Cédric Gerard

2009-02-02  Spielemagazin  13 Likes  0 Kommentare 
Dofus hat in unserem Spieletest Ende letzten Jahres ordentlich abgeräumt. Grund genug für uns mal nachzufragen und zu schauen, was es Neues gibt aus dem Hause Ankama Games in Bezug auf "Dofus" und auf andere Games des Herstellers...

Cédric Gerard: International Marketing Manager von Ankama Games

How did the idea of Dofus come up? Could you give as a brief history of the game?
From 2001, the three cofounders of Ankama, back then a web agency, always wanted to create a videogame. They had this idea of creating a tactic based pvp online game, which was first called DUEL. DUEL evolved into an MMORPG and became DOFUS in 2003.

And what about the future? Will there be an add-on?
DOFUS has about 4 updates per year: We had Pandala Island, Otomai Island, and a new one is coming for Xmas.

In future are there new jobs and classes planned?
There are no further jobs and classes planned at the moment.

How do you explain the big success of Dofus?
DOFUS is a cute and quite accessible game, which everyone can enjoy. It's a tactical game that requires reflection and is not solely relying on fast and accurate clicking, so casual gamers really like it.

What were the main problems during the production of the game?
We had to create a game from scratch, build a game engine in Flash which was technically challenging and also learn the server side of things, and how the client would communicate with it. It was really tough and there were times when we did not know if we were going to make it. But we kept working hard and finally came up with the game!

What about hackers and cheaters? What counter-measures are already and will be implemented?
We are constantly monitoring any suspicious activity in the game. We have moderators teams in place and use special techniques to detect bots and the like.

In Dofus germany are many, MANY female players. Do you have an explanation for that?
Germany has about 33% of female players which is quite high. It is the highest rate of all countries. The Spirit of the game, its diversity, Graphics and the fact that the game is not violent could be an explanation. Actually we're still trying to find an explanation for that ourselves, but we're quite happy that German girls like what we do!

It is possible, that Dofus becomes completely "Free2Play"?
At the moment, DOFUS is completely free in Germany. Later on for the full version a subscription will be introduced. So called 'Free2play' games usually involve item selling models, unfortunately the games industry is still a business and the competition is very fierce, so we need funds to pay wages and develop our next quality projects!

There are many competitors - what new ideas are planned to make Dofus more interesting?
We keep introducing new concepts to DOFUS, we recently revamped the Pvp system introduced the lottery system, and we keep releasing updates with more dungeons, items, monsters. The sense of community is very strong in DOFUS and we try our best to keep it entertained with regular and original events.

What was the greatest "success" of Dofus? Any special coverage, event, statistic...
So far we have been really impressed with the launch in Germany and Spain. The response had been incredible, we did not expect to grow so fast. We had to put into place new servers in order to cope with the number of players, which is always very comforting for us and a proof of the success of the game.

How many developers work on the project?
We have over twenty developers working on the game.

Are there other games from Ankama Games our readers should try?
You should try DOFUS-Arena as soon as possible! We have drastically improved the graphic engine of DOFUS in this PVP Java based game. The beta is available for free on and the release is planned for the first quarter of 2008.

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