"Neon Lights is probably one of our more edgier songs this far. It does not show much mercy, and has a raw feeling of anger and realisation to it. The song expresses disappointment of someone not being who they seemed to be."
"Sugarcoat is our sophomore EP, and is written as a chapter 2 of "Queens EP". It takes much on underestimation and confidence, but this EP goes even further into personal relations and the restless young heart. It follows the debut with a red thread of undressing bad behaviour, which is the main pillar in the two-parted project. In the songwriting process, we were dedicated to be as honest as possible. It was quite therapeutic."
"Wir versuchen immer, rohe menschliche Emotionen so authentisch wie möglich auszudrücken. Wenn wir Musik machen, wollen wir, dass sie ehrlich ist."
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