Musik » Interviews

Im Interview mit Kyng

2014-06-12  Spielemagazin  22 Likes  0 Kommentare 
First of all: Thank you for your time doing this interview! Would you be so kind to introduce yourself and your band?
- Thanks for doing the interview! I'm Pepe and I play drums in KYNG.

Where did you meet each other and how long have you been together now?
- Tony (Castañeda/bass) and I used to play in a band together, and while on tour, we'd talk about starting our own side project. He kept telling me about his ex-band mate, Eddie, and how we should work with him. We got together and jammed one day in feb of 09 and have been playing together ever since.

You just came out with your new album. How do you think this new album is different to your others?
- Well it's definitely a more polished, more focused album in comparison to our first one. We worked with producers Jim Rota and Andrew Alekel, who were both amazing people to work with, and they really helped us "trim the fat" off of our songs. Out first album was basically us doing whatever we wanted; no outside direction whatsoever.

How would you describe your music for the public audience if they have never seen and heard you before?
- We like the term "modern vintage" which basically means we take from the old and from the new and have a whole mixture of influences that are very noticeable. We are heavily influenced by Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin and from Pantera and Slayer as well as from Alice in Chains and Soundgarden.

How would you describe the creative and recording process of your new album?
- Creatively what usually happens is that Eddie or Tony will bring in riffs or Eddie will bring an entire song into the rehearsal room and we'll mess around with it as a band. We'll all arrange it and give out two cents about what direction the song should go and get a structure down for it. Then Eddie will take that home and write lyrics for it.

Who was responsible for the cover artwork of the new album?
- The cover was done by and amazing artist named David Stoupakis. Him and Eddie went back and forth with some ideas and we could not be happier with the end result. He did an incredible job!

What's the idea behind the album title?
- Burn The Serum; the serum is basically referring to a sort of truth serum, or something along those lines. It has to do with people who lie in order to keep a certain lifestyle, no matter who it affects or in what way.

Who does most of the songwriting?
- Eddie does most of it.

We can imagine that you like all of your songs. But if you have to chose one, which one is your favourite?
- I really like Big Ugly Me. It's a sort of thrash song with really cool melodies. I love playing that song live.

How were the fan comments to your new album? Are you happy with the feedback?
- We are happy! The album has gotten a great reaction from most of our fans. It has gotten some really great reviews as well, so we're definitely happy with the feedback.

If you had the opportunity to change something about the music industry, what would it be?
- That's a pretty tough question. I think I would change the way radio works. I hate that in order to get radio play you have to have a specific sound and a specific song structure and a watered down version of anything creative you are thinking of doing. It sucks because everything starts sounding the same. It doesn't seem like radio likes taking risks, and that makes for boring radio, in my opinion.

What kind of music did you like in your early childhood?
- I grew up with thrash. That's what I taught myself to play to. That's what inspired me to play drums.

What is your wildest story during your musician career?
- We once picked up a girl who was crying outside of a show saying her ride had left her and that she lived 3 hours away. Long story short, we suspected that the whole thing was a scam and we loaded the gun we were carrying at the time and kicked her out of the van. We didn't show her the gun, but we were ready for anything. We later realized that our suspicions were possibly wrong and a result of misinformation.

Is gaming somehow part of your life? Do you play any games on pc or consoles? And if so, which ones?
- I am not a gamer :/

Last but not least: Is there anything you want to say to your fans and our readers?
- Please pic up a copy of Burn The Serum and come to a live show if you ever get the chance!

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   Titel Burn the Serum
   Release 2014-04-18
   Hersteller Razor & Tie (rough trade)
   Publisher Razor & Tie (rough trade)
   Altersfreigabe Freigegeben ab Jahren


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